Kick start your photography and start taking photos people will love on our one day Beginner Photography Course in central London.
You will start the day knowing hardly anything about your camera, but will finish it taking some impressive photos.
"a leading London photography school"
1. 6 hours of personalised small group tuition with professional photographer, Steve Franck
2. One year of access to our Beginner Photography Online Course to back up and consolidate your knowledge
3. One year of email and phone support after the course
4. Our comprehensive eBook called 'The Fundamentals of Photography' which you can read at your own pace
The beginner photography training course takes place at on the Southbank, full of life & great photo opportunities
- Cost: £155
- Camera - DSLR, mirrorless or advanced compact
- Individual attention guaranteed due to the small class size of 8
- Includes 6 hours of tuition, eBook, online course access and ongoing support
Who will I learn from?
Your tutor will be professional photographer and trainer, Steve Franck. Steve consistently gets fantastic feedback and recently had work published by the BBC.
Where will the training take place?
The classroom section of the course takes place at the Citizen M Hotel, Bankside. The practical session happens in and around Borough Market, near London Bridge. We will email you with the exact address.
What should I bring?
You should bring your camera, lens(es), memory card and fully charged battery. You can make notes if you like, but we will also send you a set of notes.
How much will I learn?
You will learn how to use the main settings on your camera, and how to take better photos. We will teach you how to control all of the main settings so you understand what you are doing, and feel that you are fully utilising your camera. If you have specific questions you can of course ask them.
How do I contact you with questions about this training?
Just give us a call on 02071833220 or email us and we’ll be happy to help.

After completing this beginner photography workshop, you will be able to take photos like this:

Beginner Photography Course Content
Following a comprehensive classroom based introduction to photography, including clear instruction on how to use your camera, you will spend the rest of the day on London's Southbank using your camera to complete practical exercises under the guidance of your tutor. You will complete the Beginner Photography Course with a thorough understanding of:
- How you should use your main camera settings, and what your camera's menus, dials and buttons control
- Principles including ISO, shutter speed, aperture & exposure
- How and when you should use each shooting mode, including shutter priority, aperture priority and manual mode
- Settings so you can freeze or blur motion
- How you can control depth of field and blur the background
- How to compose good photos and enhance your photography
- Use of your camera's autofocus modes so you can select a specific point or track moving objects
- Understanding white balance
- How to control exposure to create more interesting photos and when to use different exposure modes and exposure compensation
- When you should use jpeg & raw image quality settings
I just wanted to say what a wonderful day I had with Steve today. After having read two beginner books about aperture, iso and shutter speed I was still in such a muddle about it all but the penny dropped today and I feel really excited to start taking photos outside of auto mode! Steve explained everything so logically and the practical exercises we did were spot on. I really liked his style, which was relaxed but also his passion for the craft is apparent and clearly the guy knows his stuff. His presentation was excellent with just enough written information on the slides without it being laborious. Thanks for organising such a great course.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the course yesterday.
I started the day with no idea how to work a camera and by the end of the day was able to start composing reasonably decent shots.
Thought Steve was a great teacher, very relaxed and was able to explain his points really clearly.
The course starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm.
It starts at Borough Market, and attendees will be emailed with detailed joining instructions.
Book your place on our Beginner Photography Course, including online course access, ongoing support and eBook.
Choose from the available dates and book your place.
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If, after completing the course, you don't feel confident about taking better photos we'll give you your money back. No questions asked.
Includes an eBook + Online Course
After the course you'll get access to our Fundamentals of Photography online course and eBook
On The Southbank
Hosted in a conference room on the Southbank with an afternoon practicing your skills under the tutor's guidance.
Ongoing Support
Unlimited follow up support provided after the course, just give us a call and we'll help you out
Money Back Guarantee
If you don't become a better photographer after completing the course, we'll give you your money back. No questions asked.